Training Services by Michele
Michele's availability to travel in 2024 and 2025 has been greatly affected by a major change in family health.
No new bookings are being accepted at this time. If you have a current booking with Michele, you will be contacted if and when the decision to cancel that travel has been made. Virtual webinars, seminars and coaching sessions are still available
Seminars & Workshops
Michele teaches effective training theory and technical skills based on maximizing the use of positive reinforcement. Her seminars and hands on workshops are customized for your needs and desires. Michele's seminars are commonly a combination of PowerPoint presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on practice for working participants with dogs.
Michele has assisted many traditional training programs in the adoption of positive reinforcement techniques. Many private, non-profit, and for-profit organizations have benefited from Michele’s in depth experience at changing established programs from traditional to positive reinforcement training programs. She can customize 1 to 5 day programs for management and training staff to educate, support and plan your organizations “crossover” to more positive training and handling techniques.